Boosting cooperation in the sugarcane and sugar beet supply chains

We are pleased to announce that the ProTerra Foundation and the VIVE Programme have joined forces to explore a path of cooperation and mutual recognition of their efforts to promote sustainable agriculture and food supply chains.

In January 2019, The ProTerra Foundation and the VIVE Programme embarked upon a benchmarking exercise of the ProTerra Standard and the VIVE Sustainable Supply Programme.

“We are very excited about the outcomes of this first assessment because it represents a great opportunity for operators in the sugarcane and sugar beet supply chains to avoid duplication and reduce implementation costs” – says Veronica Rubio, Executive Director of the ProTerra Foundation.


“At the ProTerra Foundation, we want to have the commitment towards food and feed supply chain operators of providing them with the best sustainability option for their specific reality. In this context, we see great potential on a future collaboration with the owners of the VIVE Programme; Czarnikow Group Ltd and AB Sustain.”

The first results of the initial assessment are expected by the end of March and from there, a roadmap towards increased collaboration will be designed between the two organizations.

“As the ProTerra Standard version 4.0 will come into force in June 2019, our goal is to be able to come up by then with specific guidelines to sugarcane and sugar beet supply chains operators on how to benefit from this partnership” – continues Veronica Rubio.


William Rook, Global Director of Refined Sugar & Ingredients at Czarnikow added “this collaboration demonstrates the commitment of both the ProTerra Foundation and the VIVE Programme to drive continuous improvement across the supply chain. By aligning our two programmes, not only will we create audit efficiencies, but it is our ambition that Czarnikow’s position within the supply chain will create an improved route to market for sugar certified under the ProTerra Standard.”

About ProTerra and VIVE:

ProTerra Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that envisages a world where all businesses:

  • contribute to the protection of biodiversity by e.g. switching to non-GMO production
  •  conserve natural resources
  • and ensure that workers and local communities are treated with dignity and respect

The ProTerra Foundation is the owner of the ProTerra Certification Standard.

VIVE is a continuous improvement sustainability programme for sugarcane and sugar beet supply chains. The programme consists of five modules that, in combination, cover all operations and activities for producers through to end users that have a bearing on sustainability .

The VIVE programme marries over 20 years of sustainability experience from AB Sustain with established trade and supply chain expertise from Czarnikow .This is a partnership offering both continuous improvement and commercial advantage from being physically involved in the complete supply chain process.

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