ProTerra MRV Standard: Recognised by German QS for soybean products

The ProTerra MRV (Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification) Standard is an advanced sustainability framework designed to ensure responsible and traceable soy production. By providing robust monitoring tools and promoting continuous improvement, it helps producers meet key market requirements for sustainable sourcing.
As part of this commitment to high standards, ProTerra MRV has now achieved recognition for soybean cultivation within the QS system, a leading food quality and safety certification in Germany. Since 2001, QS has ensured compliance with strict food safety regulations across the entire supply chain, from farm to fork. This recognition further enhances the credibility and market integration of ProTerra-certified soy, reinforcing its role in sustainable supply chains within the German market.
The “Purchase of Deforestation-Free Soy” add-on module was developed by QS in consultation with key stakeholders across the supply chain, allowing feed companies to become certified against this module since April 1, 2023. The ProTerra MRV Standard has now been included in Annex 4.3, as recognised for the IP, SEG supply chain models until 30 June 2026 while the MB and B&C supply chain models are currently approved until 31 December 2025, subject to an internal QS review to determine whether or not these models will remain valid within QS in the future.
For the ProTerra Foundation, this recognition marks an important step toward facilitating sustainable soy trade in Germany and Europe, and reinforces the ongoing efforts to provide robust, high-quality certification solutions.