About Us

Our Governance

The ProTerra Foundation is legally registered in the Netherlands as a Foundation (Stichting).
Companies sharing its vision and mission can join the ProTerra Network™ and support the organisation by collaborating, sharing their good practices and providing strategic advice.

The daily business of the ProTerra Foundation is managed by its Secretariat and directly supervised by the Board of Directors. Besides, the ProTerra Foundation has set the Stakeholder Council as its advisory body.


The daily business of the ProTerra Foundation is managed by its Secretariat and directly supervised by the Board of Directors.
Terms of Reference
Emese van Maanen
Managing Director
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Alexia Stumpf
+ more

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is composed by individual professionals with proven experience in sustainability and food and feed supply chains. They supervise the work of the Secretariat and lead the organisation towards its vision and mission.
Terms of Reference
Augusto Freire
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Cesar Borges de Sousa
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Giorgio Dalla Bona
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Jochen Koester
Jochen Koester
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Trygve Berg Lea
Trygve Berg Lea
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Willem Piet van den Berg
Willem Piet van den Berg
+ more

Stakeholders Council

The Stakeholders Council is the governance body with a strategic advisory role. It provides both the Board of Directors and the Secretariat with recommendations and expert advice on specific topics that help companies embed their sustainability strategies and give consumers assurance of their work done through the implementation of the ProTerra Standard in the food, feed and beauty supply chains.
Terms of Reference
Anna Fangmann
Anna Fangmann
+ more
2024-07-22 Benjamin Weis_photo
Benjamin Weis
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Eric Olav Gracey
Eric Olav Gracey
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Job van Mil
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Jorge Diaz Salinas
Jorge Diaz Salinas
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Julia Clark
Julia Clark
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Juliana Lopes
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Pamela Moreira
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Sandra Schouten – Kraaij
Sandra Schouten – Kraaij
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Sonja Frommenwiler
Sonja Frommenwiler
+ more
Standards and Certification Committee - ProTerra

Standards and Certification Committee

A vital element to ensure the robustness of the ProTerra certification programme is the Standards and Certification Committee, which is responsible, among others, for the periodical revision and updating of the ProTerra Standard, the monitoring of certification bodies, the proper implementation of the ProTerra Certification scheme and the correct handling of complaints related to the implementation of the ProTerra Certification scheme.

Stakeholders Council

The Stakeholders Council is the governance body with a strategic advisory role. It provides both the Board of Directors and the Secretariat with recommendations and expert advice on specific topics that help companies embed their sustainability strategies and give consumers assurance of their work done through the implementation of the ProTerra Standard in the food, feed and beauty supply chains.
Terms of Reference
Anna Fangmann
Anna Fangmann
+ more
2024-07-22 Benjamin Weis_photo
Benjamin Weis
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Eric Olav Gracey
Eric Olav Gracey
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Job van Mil
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Jorge Diaz Salinas
Jorge Diaz Salinas
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Julia Clark
Julia Clark
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Juliana Lopes
+ more
Pamela Moreira
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Sandra Schouten – Kraaij
Sandra Schouten – Kraaij
+ more
Sonja Frommenwiler
Sonja Frommenwiler
+ more

Income sources

The ProTerra Foundation finances its activities through memberships, volume fees, projects and training.

Income Structure 2024
Total Income: €563.914