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  • in reply to: ProTerra V5.0 – Technical Issues Forum #25286

    Hi Graziella,
    From our perspective, there is actually just two correct answers to the question, these are:

    • At the discretion of CB and/or the ProTerra Foundation a new intermediate audit may be required; and
    • Where objective evidence indicates that there has been a Core non-compliance leading to a breakdown in the sustainability of the supply chain caused by an economic operator´s actions or inactions, the CB shall immediately suspend the certificate.

    There is no consideration in the Standard to an immediate suspension of an organization ( as a possibility in itself) without further understanding what actually happened, so either a new audit is necessary to investigate the facts or objective evidence is available to confirm the situation ( for example a formal persecution from authorities). ProTerra understands an immediate suspension, without further investigation, is a radical measure not giving the organization the benefit of the doubt. This was the main objective of this question, highlight the need to deepen the understanding of the situation.

    Eventually we can rephrase the question to avoid confusions. We would be happy to receive your suggestions.

    in reply to: ProTerra V5.0 Forum Day 3 – exercise on deforestation #25245

    Thanks to everyone that has participated with such rich details. A few key take aways from this exercise:

    Comparison of satellite images before 31/12/2008 and recent ones This assessment should be conducted prior to the audit. This preparation (including assessing official data basis with relevant information for the audit associated to other ProTerra topics) phase is very useful and can help safe time during the site visit.

    With respect to sources of potential information in relation to HCV, we suggest that the auditor searches on available websites to gather information about protected areas and threatened species, such as ,, and Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) for Business form IUCN, UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    Consider that the definition of HCV has other aspects that are beyond presence of native vegetation, they include:
    • areas with species diversity, concentrations of biological diversity including endemic species, and rare, threatened or endangered species, that are significant at global, regional or national levels;
    • areas with landscape-level ecosystems and mosaics large landscape-level ecosystems and ecosystem mosaics that are significant at global, regional or national levels, and that contain viable populations of the great majority of the naturally occurring species in natural patterns of distribution and abundance;
    • areas with ecosystems and habitats that are rare, threatened, or endangered, habitats or refugia;
    • areas that have ecosystem services or basic ecosystem services in critical situations, including protection of water catchments and control of erosion of vulnerable soils and slopes; and
    • areas with cultural values, sites, resources, habitats and landscapes of global or national cultural, archaeological or historical significance, and/or of critical cultural, ecological, economic or religious/sacred importance for the traditional cultures of local communities or indigenous peoples, identified through engagement with these local communities or indigenous peoples.

    in reply to: ProTerra V5.0 Forum Day 3 – exercise on deforestation #25244


    Please take a look in the document you are using as reference, Principle 4 of ProTerra refers to Biodiversity conservation, effective environmental management and environmental service

    in reply to: ProTerra V5.0 – Introduction Forum #25243

    Hi Hetal,
    Thanks for your questions.

    You will find detailed guidelines on the use of ProTerra logos at:
    We will also add it at the library of this course.

    ProTerra focuses on agricultural products. However, V5 has APPENDIX F: ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, brings guidance on how to use Proterra for raising animals. It requires that the feed given to the animals must be non-GMO (nothing is said about the animals themselves).

    To date, we have not experienced certification for animal products, so a more in depth discussion would be necessary should that be the case. Please let me know if you wish to further discuss this

    in reply to: ProTerra V5.0 – Introduction Forum #25120

    Very happy to have you all with us!
    Once again, please fell free to place any question you my have about the Standard in our forums or email me directly (

    in reply to: ProTerra V5.0 – Introduction Forum #23571

    Hello every one. I am Alice and will mediate this section. I am happy to be here with you all. Please fell free to place any question you my have about the Standard in our forums or email me directly (
    Please note that I am in a different time zone than most of you, so there should be some delays in our communication.
    Hope you all enjoy the training!

    in reply to: Introduction Forum – MRV Course #22661

    Welcome to all!
    I am Alice and will be acting as mediator of the course in the behalf of Proterra Foundation. If any of you have any questions, please feel free to contact me

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