Benchmarking: ProTerra V5 and ISCC*
*ISCC EU 202-1 Agricultural Biomass: ISCC Principle 1 version 4.1 Valid from 01 January 2024; ISCC EU 202-2 Agricultural Biomass: ISCC Principles 2-6 Version 1.1 Valid from 01 December 2022; ISCC 205 – 3 Non GMO Food/Feed V 2.1 (valid from November 2018) and ISCC EU 203 Traceability and Chain of Custody / Version 4.0/ Valid from 1st July 2021

The ProTerra Foundation has benchmarked the ProTerra Sustainability Standard V5 against ISCC*. The results have shown a significant adherence when comparing the ProTerra requirements with the ISSC requirements. As a result of this adherence, ISCC* certified farms can obtain ProTerra V5 recognition with a reduced audit time and a simpler assessment.
ProTerra Foundations embraces mutual recognition of sustainability standards and believes that synergies help to reduce the costs of standard implementation and certification while reducing the audit burden.
The sustainability requirements associated with ISCC are mandatory under RED II and valid for all farms or plantations participating in the ISCC system. Considering this scope, it is compatible with ProTerra Level I (farms).
The ISCC EU System Document 202-1 “Agricultural Biomass: ISCC Principle 1” applies to all types of agricultural biomass (main crops and intermediate crops) which will be supplied as sustainable under ISCC. ISCC Principles 2-6 cover social, ecological and economic requirements while ISCC 205 -3 is associated to Non-GMO Food/Feed (a key aspect within ProTerra). Finally, ISCC EU 203 deals with Traceability and Chain of Custody.
Independent third-party audits verify compliance with the ISCC certification system. To be recognised under ProTerra V5, farms must hold a valid certificate associated with the four ISSC Documents considered herein*.
Full alignment has been obtained for ProTerra Principle 5 – No use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO); and Principle 6 – Pollution and Waste Management.
A high level of compliance (over 80%) was achieved for Principle 1 – Management System, compliance with law and the ProTerra Standard; Principle 3 – Responsible relations with workers and community; Principle 4 – Biodiversity conservation, effective environmental management and environmental services; Principle 8 – Greenhouse gases and energy management; and Principle 10 – Traceability and Chain of Custody.
Table 1 below shows the additional requirements that would need to be checked in an ISCC* certified farm for recognition under ProTerra V5.
Table 1 – Additional requirements for ProTerra V5 certified organisations that have ISCC* certification