European Non-GMO crop market report
December 19, 2024

The latest edition of the Non-GMO Market Report was published on 5 December by ENGA, Donau Soja and ProTerra Foundation.
The following points summarise the major trends and recent developments that affect Non-GM supply & demand within the EU in the current 2024/25 marketing year:
- All Non-GM soy, maize and rapeseed outputs in the EU dropped in 2024 after yields were severely harmed by hot & dry weather in the eastern regions of the bloc.
- The importance of Ukraine is expected to increase in 2024/25 to ensure an adequate supply of Non-GM raw materials in the EU soy, maize and rape market.
- EU Non-GM supply (output & imports) is sufficient to cover the Non-GM demand in 2024/25 but regional bottlenecks might arise in regions with high Non-GM demand.
- Non-GM soymeal premiums continued to move in the range of 150-200 EUR/t in the period September – November 2024, this level is considered to be high historically.
- Brazil’s segregated Non-GM soy output & export to Europe is likely to halve to record low levels of around 1.5 million t in 2024/25.