European Soy Monitor 2021 is now available

The ProTerra Foundation, together with seven partners (IDH, IUCN NL, RTRS, Donau Soja, FEFAC and FEDIOL), has funded the fifth edition of the European Soy Monitor[1], which highlights a slight decrease in certified FEFAC SSG compliant and certified deforestation and conversion-free soy in 2021. The report provides insights on the European uptake of certified, responsible, deforestation and conversion-free soy in 2021, emphasising that 40% of soy consumed in the EU27+ countries is either certified in the physical chain or covered by sustainability certificates compliant with the FEFAC Soy Sourcing Guidelines. It also underlines the importance of a combination of different instruments to address deforestation and promote sustainable soy production, highlighting the commitment of European companies.
The publication can be downloaded HERE.