Highlights of the ProTerra Webinar on the EUDR

On 14 September the ProTerra Foundation hosted a webinar about the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR).

We counted on very skilled speakers who were able to cover the whole supply chain and share their insights about existing and potential obstacles and impacts, as well as the many benefits this regulation can bring to us all.

Emese van Maanen, Managing Director of the ProTerra Foundation, began with a brief presentation on the process of revising the current version of the ProTerra Standard and the internal benchmarking against the EUDR requirements.

The speakers began their presentations, starting with Hannelore Beerlandt, Expert on global agriculture commodities and Facilitator in the Public Private Taskforce of the International Coffee Organisation, who talked about achieving deforestation-free supply chains. She was followed by Leslie Sajous, ISEAL Associate Manager, Policy & Engagement, who provided an overview of the potential impacts on sustainability systems. The floor was given to David D’Hollander, Proforest’s Principal Project Manager, who spoke about how to create incentives for change and inclusive implementation. Finally, Juliana de Lavor Lopes, responsible for the ESG, Communications and Compliance Board of AMAGGI, presented some practical issues on the ground, and the challenges they are facing, how they can be implemented and what potential and future developments need to be made in order to be compliant in producing countries.

The speakers underlined the importance of smallholders and their inclusion in the process. It was acknowledged that clarity is essential to support all actors in the supply chain and that various difficulties remain.

One lesson learned was that the EUDR is only one step towards achieving zero deforestation and zero conversion commodities production. Traceability and good risk management are crucial components, as is supply chain collaboration.

Learn more by accessing the presentation and recording.

We look forward to seeing you at our next webinar.

The ProTerra Team

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