International Non-GMO Summit 2023

International Non-GMO Summit 2023
Strengthening and Securing the Non-GMO Market
9./10. May 2023
Hilton Frankfurt Airport, Germany
The first International Non-GMO Summit aims to bring together producers and traders from South America and Europe to share information about the availability and production needs of Non-GMO crops. Retailers and food brands will be in attendance, speaking about their sustainability and deforestation commitments and Non-GMO strategies.
We expect this International Summit to become a powerful forum and exchange opportunity for all partners within the Non-GMO value chain. To be part of this great event you can register here.
The International Non-GMO Summit 2023 is hosted and coordinated by the ProTerra Foundation and other key business associations in the Non-GMO market: ENGA, VLOG, ARGE Gentechnik-frei, Donau Soja.
Further information about speakers, panels and discussion topics, can be found on the Summit’s website:
See you in Frankfurt!!