New ProTerra Network Member in China: Solbar Ningbo Protein Technology Co., Ltd
We are pleased to welcome Solbar Ningbo Protein Technology Co., Ltd. as a new member of the ProTerra Network. This partnership marks an important step in their commitment to sustainability and responsible supply chain management. Solbar is currently in the process of achieving ProTerra certification, which aligns with their commitment to advancing global sustainability efforts and promoting best practices in agriculture.

我们很高兴欢迎 宁波索宝蛋白科技有限公司成为 ProTerra 网络的新成员。这种合作伙伴关系标志着他们在致力于可持续发展和负责任的供应链管理方面迈出了重要一步。索宝目前正在进行ProTerra 认证,这与他们推进全球可持续发展工作和推广农业最佳实践的承诺相一致。
索宝蛋白科技股份有限公司是一家全球领先的植物蛋白生产商,不遗余力地将蛋白质的天然宝藏带入食品和膳食补充剂市场。20 多年来索宝专注于植物蛋白的生产和创新,致力于释放自然的力量并推进生命营养。如今,索宝为全球 50 多个国家/地区提供全系列大豆蛋白。
索宝宁波蛋白科技股份有限公司自 2021 年以来一直是农场可持续发展评估的一部分,现在 索宝在加入 ProTerra 成员资格方面迈出了决定性的一步,将在 2024 年继续推进全球可持续发展工作。同时索宝作为一家负责任的中国上市公司,致力于为实现全球负责任的供应链管理做出贡献,并进一步抵制全球森林砍伐。我们不断邀请专业顾问到我们的大豆种植基地和生产现场提供指导,以支持我们在可持续发展方面取得良好的绩效,包括良好农业规范和可追溯性。我们还成立了一个专门的团队来管理工厂的污染和废物管理以及水资源管理。顾问的支持和大家的努力使我们在可持续发展方面取得了巨大成功。
公司发言人说:”随着时代的发展和社会的进步,追求可持续发展成为人类永恒发展的主题,越来越多的企业更加积极主动的承担起社会责任感,索宝作为一名中国的上市企业也有着同样的使命感和义不容辞的责任。ProTerra 的可持续发展理念与索宝一致,它是索宝践行社会责任感的一种体现,这种理念也将推动索宝的高质量发展、提高索宝的竞争力和促进索宝的良性循环发展。”
Solbar Ningbo Protein Technology Co., Ltd. is a global leader in specialty plant-based proteins, going the extra mile to bring natural treasures of protein to the food and dietary supplement markets. With over 20 years focusing on plant-based protein production and innovation, Solbar is dedicated to unlocking the power of nature and advancing life nutrition. Today, Solbar is providing full range soy protein to more than 50 countries worldwide.
Solbar Ningbo Protein Technology Co., Ltd. has been part of the Farm Sustainability Assessment since 2021 and now Solbar has taken a decisive step forward on joining in membership of ProTerra on continuing advancing global sustainability efforts in 2024. Solbar as a responsible and listed company in China, is committed to making a contribution to achieve responsible supply chain management worldwide and further counteract global deforestation. We are constantly inviting professional consultant to our site for guidance on supporting us to achieve good performance on sustainability including good agricultural practices and traceability. We also establish a dedicated team on managing pollution and waste management, as well as water management in our factories. The support from consultant and effort of everyone makes a great success for us on sustainability.
The company spokesperson stated: “With the development of the times and the progress of society, the pursuit of sustainable development has become the theme of the eternal development of human beings, and more and more enterprises are more proactive in assuming a sense of social responsibility. ProTerra’s sustainable development concept is consistent with our Solbar, which is a manifestation of Solbar’s practice of social responsibility, and this concept will also promote the high-quality development of Solbar, improve the competitiveness of Solbar and promote the virtuous cycle of development of Solbar.”
We look forward to supporting Solbar Ningbo Protein Technology Co., Ltd. in this journey toward enhancing their sustainability initiatives.