News & Events

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Women in Agribusiness (WiA) meeting
Read moreOn October 30th, around thirty specialists from the agricultural sector met face-to-face in Münster, Germany, for the 10th network meeting of “Women in Agribusiness” (WIA)[1],
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ProTerra Theory of Change
Read moreProTerra has developed its Theory of Change that is available on the ProTerra Foundation´s website. It is focused on mapping out what, how and why the implementation
- Webinars
November 4th Webinar Session: EU Commission’s study on new genomic techniques: follow-up and analysis
Read moreThe webinar session, held on November 4th and organized together with the from ENGA[1], the European Non-GMO Industry Association, and ARGE Gentechnik-frei[2], provided an update
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EDEKA – ProTerra joint project to increase deforestation-free Brazilian soy
Read moreScroll down for German version Food companies and retailers having agricultural commodities and ingredients in their products have a responsibility to take the lead in
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Sustainable spices
Read moreEnvironmental sustainability is the long-term strategy Businesses today can only be successful if they are inclusive and responsible. International agricultural supply chains need to foster
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Use of renewable energy at farm level
Read moreOne of the challenges faced by sustainable agriculture is the fact that the majority of farms rely on fossil energy for traction and electricity. Fossil
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Environmental footprint of ProTerra certified Brazilian soybean products
Read moreThe ProTerra Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that promotes sustainable food and feed supply chains. In 2006 the ProTerra Standard was created to trace and
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Using the ProTerra standards and the Accountability Framework as complementary approaches for responsible supply chains
Read moreCompanies working to improve supply chain sustainability need clarity on how different tools and standards relate to one another. To help meet this need, the
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Benchmark sustainable cereal and oilseed – DTP112 (09.01.2020) Ver 5 and ProTerra V4.1 + ProTerra Europa
Read moreProTerra Foundation and CSQA Certificazioni Srl agreed to conduct a benchmarking exercise to verify the alignment of both ProTerra Standard v4.1 and ProTerra Europa V1.0 against SUSTAINABLE
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The Proterra and ProTerra Europa schemes successfully passed the FEFAC Soy Sourcing Guidelines 2021 benchmark
Read moreThe European Compound Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC)[1] represents the European Compound Feed & Premix Industry at the level of the European Institutions. Focusing on the