
ProTerra Standards in China Webinar
On December 11th, the “ProTerra Foundation Standards in China” Webinar was successfully held with representatives from companies, industry associations, universities, certification bodies, and other organizations in attendance. The webinar was moderated by Isabel Nepstad, CEO of BellaTerra Consulting. ProTerra Foundation is working with BellaTerra Consulting in China to localize and promote the application of the standard in China.
Ms. Emese van Maanen, Director of ProTerra Foundation, gave a speech to introduce the standards of ProTerra Foundation and its global application. She started with the mission and vision of the foundation, and shared the ProTerra Foundation’s framework, including the Stakeholder Committee, the Standards and Certification Committee, the ProTerra Network Members and the Secretariat, as well as the current standards of the ProTerra Foundation and the global application areas and crops. She shared the application of soybeans and sugarcane as examples, and finally demonstrated the cooperation between the ProTerra Foundation and some standards and institutions.
Han Zhan, Agricultural Director of BellaTerra Consulting, shared the ProTerra Foundation’s “Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability 5.0 (Chinese version)” standard. Han Zhan interpreted the “Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability 5.0 (Chinese version)” standard from five aspects. First, he shared with the participants the process from the introduction of the standard to the localized application; second, he briefly interpreted and applied the 10 principles of the “Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability (5.0)” (Chinese version) standard one by one, and the matters that should be paid attention to and the key links to focus on; third, from the perspective of certification management and risk reduction, he explained the main aspects of the ProTerra Standard, such as: genetically modified organisms, pesticide use, land conversion, land conflicts and labor conditions; fourth, he summarized the benefits of applying the ProTerra Standard and joining the ProTerra global business network; fifth, he briefly introduced the connection between the ProTerra Foundation’s “Monitoring and Verification Standard – Deforestation, Land Use Conversion and Human Rights (1.0)” (Chinese version) and the “European Zero Deforestation Act”.
In the following Q&A session, the School of Economics and Management of China Agricultural University and Ningbo Sobao Protein Technology Co., Ltd. asked questions respectively. Finally, Ms. Emese van Maanen, General Manager of ProTerra Foundation, gave a summary speech of the seminar, and looked forward to in-depth exchanges and communication. After a short exchange and sharing, everyone was still full of enthusiasm, and looked forward to holding more exchange and sharing activities to let more stakeholders know and understand and widely use the relevant standards of ProTerra Foundation.
Below are the links to the presentation and the webinar recording.
Access the Presentation
Watch the Recording
北京时间12月11日下午3点,ProTerra标准在中国-研讨会成功举办,有来自宁波索宝蛋白科技有限公司、诸城泰盛化工有限公司、中国农业大学、中标合信(北京)认证有限公司等机构和企业代表出席参加。会议由ProTerra 基金会中国合作伙伴BellaTerraConsulting 创始人&CEO Isabel Nepstad 女士主持。本次研讨会主要分四个环节进行。
首先,ProTerra 基金会总经理 Emese van Maanen 女士致辞并介绍ProTerra 基金会标准及全球应用情况。Emese女士从基金会使命和愿景开始,分享ProTerra 基金会组成框架包括:利益相关者委员会、标准与认证委员会、ProTerra网络成员及秘书处等,以及ProTerra 基金会现行标准以及全球应用区域和作物情况,大豆和甘蔗为例进行应用分享,最后展示ProTerra 基金会与一些标准的对标和机构的合作。
接下来,BellaTerra Consulting 农业总监韩展重点分享ProTerra 基金会《社会责任和环境可持续性5.0(中文版)》标准。韩展从五个方面解读《社会责任和环境可持续性5.0(中文版)》标准,一是从标准引进到本土化应用与与会者分享了过程;二是从《社会责任和环境可持续性(5.0)》(中文版)标准的10个原则,逐一简要解读和应用中应注意的事项和重点关注的环节;三是从认证管理和降低风险的角度,阐述ProTerra 标准关注的主要方面,如:转基因生物、杀虫剂使用、土地转换、土地矛盾及劳动条件等;四是总结ProTerra标准应用与加入ProTerra全球商业网络的好处;五是简要介绍ProTerra 基金会《监督和验证标准-毁林、土地利用转换和人权(1.0)》(中文版)与《欧洲零毁林法案》之间的衔接关系。
最后,ProTerra 基金会总经理 Emese van Maanen 女士做了研讨会总结讲话,期待大家深入交流和沟通。