ProTerra Standard: QS-recognised for soybean production

The ProTerra Foundation continues to value cooperation and the creation of synergies while working to reduce costs and complexity on all fronts. We are pleased to share with you our most recent success on this front: the ProTerra Standard has successfully passed the QS benchmark, especially relevant for the German market.
The QS quality scheme for food, which stands for quality assurance from farm to shop, is the gold standard for food safety in Germany, ensuring, since 2001, that all participants in its network consistently apply all food safety regulations.[1]
The Add-on module Purchase of deforestation-free soy to the QS Guideline Feed Sector was created by QS in collaboration with stakeholders from across the whole supply chain. Feed companies can be certified against this module as of April 1, 2023. In Annex 4.2 you will find the recognised standards for primary production.
Click here to access Annex 4.2 QS-recognised standards for the soybean production for the Add-on module Purchase of deforestation-free soy: