ProTerra Sustainability Standard Principles in Portuguese

The ProTerra Foundation is the owner of the ProTerra certification standard and the associated audit methods.
The ProTerra standard[1] was developed in 2006 on the basis of the Basel criteria for responsible soy and has a long history and experience in promoting sustainability in the food and feed chain as well as in the separation of GMO-free materials. It is organised in 10 Principles aligned with its aim of fostering good agricultural practices, protecting the environment, and promoting respectful treatment to workers and communities.
We have published an informative leaflet[2] describing the 10 principles of the ProTerra Standard, their importance, the specific role in supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with interesting figures and facts. This helps companies to measure progress by establishing a starting point, to define their sustainable development priorities, and to report results in a useful and informative way. The ProTerra Foundation has an important role in supporting SDGs becoming a reality and measuring the SDG indicators.
This brochure has now been translated to Portuguese and can be downloaded here.