The ProTerra Standard

Created in 2006, the ProTerra Standard has a long-standing history and experience in promoting sustainability in the food and feed supply chain and segregated non-GMO materials.
The ProTerra Standard empathizes the following key issues:

  • Human rights and good labour practices such as workplace safety, equal opportunities, and particular attention to preventing child and forced labour;
  • Good agricultural practices, regarding soil fertility, water management and continuous efforts to reduce the use of fertilisers and pesticides;
  • Deforestation, Biodiversity, High Conservation Values, and special focus on rigorous Non-GMO requirements.

The ProTerra Standard version 5.0

The ProTerra Standard version 4.1

ProTerra Standard – Appendices V4.1

ProTerra Standard Appendix A

This document contains the List of commercialized GM crops and their derivates. It serves as a first GM risk assessment.

ProTerra Standard Appendix B

This document contains the List of relevant International Treaties and Conventions.

ProTerra Standard Appendix C

This document contains the list of Pesticides listed in the WHO classes 1a and b and II. It refers to Rotterdam Convention and Stockholm Convention.

ProTerra Standard Appendix D

This document contains specific guidelines for the ProTerra certification of crop trees.